St. Timothy’s Service Guide

Saint Timothy’s Anglican Catholic Church

Heavenly Father, we beseech thee to hear our prayer, create in us a new and contrite heart, that we may draw closer to thee and that we may boldly proclaim, through the power of the Holy Ghost, that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. Amen!

Processional Hymn Hymn Board
Collect for Purity *Missalette Pg. 2
Introit Bulletin
Decalogue THE MASS Pg. 4
Kyrie Eleison. THE MASS Pg. 4
Gloria in Excelsis THE MASS Pg. 4
Collect(s) Bulletin
Epistle Bulletin
Gradual (Psalm) Bulletin
Holy Gospel Bulletin
Nicene Creed THE MASS Pg. 5
Sermon Reverend Father
Offertory Sentence
Offertory Hymn Hymn Board
Doxology “Old 100th” Hymnal No. 139
America (verse 4) Hymnal No. 141
Prayer for the Whole State of Christ’s Church THE MASS Pg. 6
Exhortation, General Confession, Absolution THE MASS Pg .8
Sanctus & Benedictus THE MASS Pg. 9
Prayer of Consecration THE MASS Pg. 9
The Lord’s Prayer THE MASS Pg. 10
The Peace THE MASS Pg. 10
Agnus Dei THE MASS Pg. 11
Prayer of Humble Access THE MASS Pg. 11
The Communion of the Faithful
Communion Hymn
Hymn Board
Prayer of Thanksgiving THE MASS Pg. 12
Post Communion Collect(s) THE MASS Pg. 12
The Dismissal and the Blessing THE MASS Pg. 13
The Final Gospel St. John 1
Special Blessings
Recessional Hymn Hymn Board

1 John 4: 1-8

4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone...